You’re Not Happy With Your Job, But You Can’t Afford To Quit

Many people wanted to quit their jobs but only a few can afford to render their resignation letter because of many things. When you are the only person supporting for your family. 

They may find a new job but the salary is not that competitive compared to their current job.

Everyday is a struggle. An 8-hour job is like forever. You felt like a robot going in and out of the office.

You’re Not Happy With Your Job, But You Can’t Afford To Quit

Be Grateful That You Have A Job

Many people are struggling how they can land any job as well so they can to support their family. There are many unemployed you are hoping and praying they have your job. Just think for a second how fortunate you are to be there and not in the position of unemployed. 

There are others are in worse situations than you and they are earning less than you do. They have more work load than you do. You feel better once you think about how lucky you in your work today. 

Comparing yourself against those who are doing worse than you can help boost your self-esteem. It may be cruel but it’s the best way you can do to survive in your job until such a time you are ready to quit. 

Don’t Let Your Feelings Affect Your Work

It’s hard. But you need to have a right mindset.

You don’t need to become the greatest employee that your company will ever have. Just to your job properly and don’t be late.

Do good on your job. Be efficient and use your extra time and energy planning and finding ways to have a better job or business.

Try to resolve your work issues first if you are not sure if you really want to quit or not.

Start Planning Your Exit

Plan and stop complaining. Know if you want a better job or you want to shift from one field to another. Do you want to become a freelancer or do you want to create your own business instead? You can’t move forward unless you know where you want to go. 

Once you know what you want, you can create your concrete plan. Write your goals and break them into small tasks. Know what is important and what is not. 

Think Of Your Present As Your “Funding Phase”

Most of the time, the problem is not about finding the job itself but rather, finding a job that pays as much as your current job or more. This is true if you are shifting to another field. 

If you want to shift to another field. You accept that there is a higher tendency you will get a job that offer a lower salary than your current job. 

Let’s face it. You’re new to that field and you have zero experience. You are not in a position of demanding a higher salary. 

Before jumping to a new job and a new field accomplish things such as getting out of debt, minimizing expenses and maximizing savings, have an emergency fund and learn to improve the next field you want so you will have a better chance of early promotion and early salary increase.

Write Your Letter Of Resignation With A Future Date

Write your resignation letter with a future date. The date serves as a deadline on when you will quit your current job.

Print your resignation letter, framed it, and hang it inside your room. Every morning look at the letter and imagine yourself handing it out to your boss when you arrive in the office. This is a simple, yet a powerful exercise that will help you stay motivated. 

Before rendering your resignation letter, remember to take every into account. Your skills, cash-flow, resources, financial responsibilities and your spending habits. set a realistic deadline. 

Face your fears, take on the challenge and have the courage to change the course of your life when you’re not happy with your job anymore, but you can’t afford to quit. Don’t escape from reality and don’t wallow in self-pity. 

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