Guide on How to Pay NBI Clearance via 7-Eleven

Before, we got used to enduring the hassle of waiting for a long queue before it’s our turn to give our NBI Clearance payment over their office counter, luckily due to technological advancement NBI now offers an option for us to pay our NBI clearance via 7-Eleven or other payment channels.

If you renewed your NBI Clearance or you’re planning to get an NBI Clearance and you wanted to take advantage of the easy and convenient way of paying your clearance this might help you.

Here’s How to Pay NBI Clearance via 7-Eleven:

Step 1. After you completed filling out all the necessary information that was being asked but the system when you apply, choose “7-Eleven” as your payment method. Afterward, the system will then give you a reference number that you can use to pay the fee. Make sure to take note of it.

Step 2. Proceed to the 7-Eleven store with QLIQQ Kiosk available

Step 3. Click “Bills Payment”, once you clicked it different options will pop-up

Step 4. Choose “NBI” and click its logo.

Step 5. Once you clicked the NBI logo, you will be required to enter the following information:
-NBI Clearance Reference Number
-Contact Number
-Amount (Exact amount of the payment)

Step 6. After entering all the required information, click the “Next” button.

Step 7. Once done, the kiosk will display all the information you entered, make sure to double-check everything, if you have a correction, you have an option to edit it, just click “Back”

Step 8. Lastly, print your receipt and pay it to the 7-Eleven’s counter

-Double-check all the information you entered because 7-Eleven won’t refund your money
-Keep your receipt

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