Civil Service Examination Tips

CSC stands for Civil Service Commission. They are in charge of giving the exam to the people who wanted to work in a government agency. Passing Civil Service Exam is one of the major requirements for you to be able to work in a government agency, however many of us failed to pass the exam. They said the exam was too long and it includes hard questions. So here are Civil Service Examination Tips that might help you if you’re planning to take the exam. If you prepare yourself, most likely you will pass the exam.

Here are the Civil Service Examination Tips:

  • The exam has a time limit, be aware of that
  • The professional exam will run for 3 hours, 10 minutes
  • The sub-professional exam will run for 2 hours, 40 minutes
  • The exam is consists of reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, analogy, logic, paragraph, and problem-solving.
  • Learn basic Algebra (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division)
  • Learn basic English education such as vocabulary, grammar, and paragraph.
    These are some example:
    -Use capital letters for proper nouns. (For names and places)
    -Be familiarized with noun and verb
    -Correct punctuation marks
    -Using conjunctions
    -Avoid redundancy when writing a paragraph and write it completely.
  • Do not cram review, be sure to review ahead of time
  • Bring the basic necessities when taking the exam such as pencil, ballpen, sharpener, and eraser
  • If you’re having a hard time with one question and already spent more than 5 minutes answering it, leave it and come back after you answer all of the exams

Most importantly, pray before the exam. If you’re prepared mentally, psychologically, and physically associated with Lord’s guidance, there’s a big possibility that you will pass. Just believe in yourself and give your best.

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